Numero articolo: 83903

Sgabello bar After Work oro

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Are you looking for the ideal cast for that glamorous Hollywood look? Then you won't be able to avoid the After Work stool with its thick, elaborately piped upholstery and gold-coloured, painted stainless steel legs. Matching the stool in vintage design there is an elegant bar with upholstered front and a counter made of black glass.
  • A bar stool in a cool retro design with Hollywood glamour factor included
  • Could appear in any grand hotel
  • Also stunning in the office next to the bistro table or the espresso bar
  • A stylish mixture: velvet, gold and petrol
  • Available in other variations and as a matching bar
Dimensioni/ Peso (senza imballaggio)
Altezza 74 cm
Larghezza 47 cm
Profondità 47 cm
Peso 6.5 kg
Volume (imballato) 0,08  m³
Informazioni sul prodotto
Camera: Bar
Colore: Blu, Petrolio blu-verde
Details: altezza del sedile, massima capacità di carico, smontato
Catalogo di stampa: copertina: 100 %, rivestimento: 100 %, sede: eucalipto pannelli di fibre a media densità, piede / base:, 100 Kg, consegna, 73 cm
Serie: After Work
Speciali: In magazzino, PRIMA
Stagione: Saison2018-2
Tendenze: Elegance
Tendenze 2: Retro Elegance
Calendario di marketing: Marzo

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5 da 5 Stelle






November 24, 2022 16:18

Hoch qualitativ. Samt ist sehr weich. Superpolsterung. Leichte Montage. Sieht toll aus.
