Numero articolo: 68235

Oggetto decorativo Athlet rosso 75cm

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Masculine power in red - aesthetic muscular force presented on a black marble base. The human body with all its muscular tension as a three-dimensional sculpture. The red colouring of this vibrantly masculine body with its suppleness suggests that it is about to burst into motion. An athletic moment captured in time which could immediately erupt into action. The Athlet Rot decorative figure highlights the masculinity of this perfectly muscled body in all its erotic attraction, emphasised by the choice of colour. <br>
Dimensioni/ Peso (senza imballaggio)
Altezza 52 cm
Larghezza 75 cm
Profondità 23 cm
Peso 8 kg
Volume (imballato) 0,11  m³
Informazioni sul prodotto
Camera: Corridoio
Colore: Rosso
Details: stand
Catalogo di stampa: :, : Pietra naturale, 20 x 15 x 15
Serie: Athlet
Speciali: In magazzino
Stagione: Saison1981-1
Tendenze: Modern Times
Topic: Christmas, Fathers Day, Home Office

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