Numero articolo: 85161

Poltrona Goldfinger verde

Inner Unit: 1 pezzi

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Sweeping lines and irresistible elegance are the hallmarks of all retro chairs that have the potential to become new classics. Star qualities are demonstrated by our Goldfinger model with its exclusive design, reminiscent of legendary film sets from the Hollywood era.
  • Hot stuff! This upholstered armchair in emerald green entices you with its hot curves and slim, golden legs
  • Feel at home: whoever settles into this cocktail armchair can immediately relax in a comfortable embrace
  • In fashionable green, which looks natural and at the same time classy. Fabulous with accessories in gold and brass
  • A pretty, unique piece for the boudoir or living room, which can stand anywhere thanks to its attractive back
  • The practical synthetic fibre cover has a velvety surface that shimmers sometimes lighter and sometimes darker, depending on how the light falls
Dimensioni/ Peso (senza imballaggio)
Altezza 85 cm
Larghezza 89 cm
Profondità 80 cm
Peso 18 kg
Volume (imballato) 0,50  m³
Informazioni sul prodotto
Camera: Soggiorno
Colore: Color oro, Verde
Details: Elastische Gurtaufhängung, Nosagunterfederung, altezza del sedile, fatto a mano, lavare a mano, massima capacità di carico, smontato
Catalogo di stampa: copertina: 100 %, sede: pannello di particelle, piede / base:, rivestimento: 35 kg/m³, 110 Kg,,,, 42,50 cm,,
Serie: Goldfinger
Speciali: In magazzino
Stagione: Saison2020-1
Tendenze: Elegance
Tendenze 2: Retro Elegance
Calendario di marketing: Dicembre

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