Chrome and nickel-plated surfaces
Any undesired oxide film (tarnished areas, black discoloration) can easily be removed from silver, brass, bronze, copper and
chrome surfaces. You simply polish your precious article of furniture or accessory with silica, a natural and gentle polish. This
treatment will also ensure that their metal surfaces are suitable for use in food preparation. The act of polishing at the same
time serves to protect against early renewed tarnishing and discoloration. Before use the metal polish should be shaken well.
Apply a sufficient quantity of polish to a dry cloth and distribute it over the entire surface. As the surface dries a grey coating
of powder appears, which is then polished off with a soft cloth.
Stainless steel surfaces
Fingerprints and other surface dirt can best be removed with the aid of a microfibre cloth, which can be lightly moistened if
necessary. Even a normal dishcloth is suitable for this purpose. The cleaning effect is increased by the addition of a little
dishwashing liquid which dissolves grease. After each cleaning operation stainless steel surfaces should be dried
thoroughly with a lint-free cloth.
Be careful with brushed stainless steel
In the production of so-called brushed stainless steel the surface is ground in such a way that a matt look is created. In order
to maintain this special surface structure, brushed stainless steel must always be wiped with the grain of the surface.
Preventing renewed stains and dirt
Special products for stainless steel care create a microscopically thin protective coating on the stainless steel surface and
form a film which also withstands normal cleaning. This film for the most part prevents new fingerprints and other forms
of dirt showing on the stainless steel.