The furniture care product should always first be tested on an area which is not directly visible.
You should not apply the cleaning agents directly on the spot or stain but instead use a soft, clean white cloth or a soft sponge for the application.
Do not use unsuitable products such as solvents, shoe polish,turpentine etc.
Protect your furniture from exposure to direct sunlight.
Leather furniture should be wiped once a week with a duster or with the soft upholstery nozzle of your vacuum cleaner. You should first make sure carefully that the nozzle will not cause scratches! This treatment will ensure that tiny particles of dust or dirt will not penetrate the grain of the leather.
Leather furniture should be treated with a suitable leather-care roduct every 3 to 6 months but at least twice a year. For the care of special types of leather please note the following instructions. They apply to full-grain leather such as nappa leather, nubuck or suede and open-grained smooth leather such as aniline leather.
Please note the following special instructions for the care of special types of leather. They apply to rough leathers such as nappa leather, nubuck or suede and open-pored smooth leathers such as aniline leather.
Before and after the winter heating period your furniture can be damp-wiped with a leather-cleaning product or saddle soap.
In order to maintain the suppleness of the leather, after the cleaning process you should rub leather milk or foam into the surface.
In addition to leather milk, leather conditioning cream, dubbin, leather oil, leather balsam and leather sealing products are also available. In the case of spots and stains you should not use a stain remover which contains solvents. These attack the leather, discolor it and dry out the material.
In addition to normal leather milk, the suppleness of the leather can lso be stimulated by a mixture of linseed oil and beaten egg white, which is highly suitable for maintaining the elasticity of nappa leather with a dyed surface.

Nubuck leather can be protected against dirt but make sure you use suitable products. Your nubuck leather can be wiped clean as required with a little water and saddle soap, making sure that not too much moisture is applied. After the cleaning process with water and saddle soap it is advisable to lightly brush the nap with a special brush for nubuck leather in order to maintain the condition of the entire surface. You will find suitable brushes at shoe shops, for example. In cleaning nubuck leather you should avoid using any kind of cream or polish, because this will negatively affect the velvety surface of the leather.
When it is new the roughened surface of suede releases a kind of leather dust. This is normal and is a result of the production methods involved. You can remove this dust with a special sponge or cleaning cloth, or brush it off with a leather brush.
After a certain amount of time the release of these fine leather dust particles comes to an end.

In the case of aniline leather the important thing is to avoid moisture, because the leather is open grained. Any spots or stains should be removed immediately with soft, absorbent paper or fabric cloth. After that you dab the spot or stain in a circular motion using a cloth moistened with distilled water. Do not use too much pressure, because otherwise the spot or stain will be forced increasingly deeper into the material. Finally you carefully wipe the surface once more with a dry cloth.